We moved into the new building just after February half term and it really seems like home now.
What we like :-)
I like that we don't get lost so much because everything is in one building - Emma
I like it because it has got great new sports facilities and all weather pitches - Lewis
The classrooms are lovely and big and very light - Charlotte H
We have a student information desk and we know where to go if we have a problem or question - Megan
This is our new entrance. We walk up a path to the right and teachers use this entrance. You can see our Sports hall and then behind it our new build.
I like the new dining room and everybody using the same place for their lunch instead of having to split up depending on whether you have sandwiches or hot food. - Kayleigh
This is the main building from the staff car park. The single storey glass area is our dining room and we have been told that we will get outside seating and tables for the summer. I like the fact that the corridors are bright and airy and that it feels warm and welcoming. - Jenny
What we don't like :-(
We don't like the queues in the dining room - they seem longer somehow and everyone seems squashed. - Liam
There isn't as much outside space we can use because the final outdoor building work is not quite finished - Mac
I really don't like the change of lesson signal. We used to have a bell and now we have a sort of buzzer that sounds like a heart monitor - Patrick
I don't like all the fire drills we have had - we had to stand out in the cold and they seemed to take ages. It is because the smoke alarms were very sensitive at first. Mrs Robson says it's a good thing but I didn't like standing in the cold. - Ben
It made me very sad watching the old building being demolished. Every day as we come into school we see a bit more knocked down and soon it will be gone forever. It is not nice to watch - Jenny